It is so very easy to go about our day and forget there are others, as well. I mean, it's my life, right? So why should I be thinking about anyone or anything else than me?
Going through the Proverbs with She Reads Truth has made me think and ponder; about myself and about God. How I am nothing and He is everything. How He is the perfect example of all good and righteous; and how I am not. Yet these thoughts do not come out of condemnation and conviction. I am learning to let go of myself in order to become more like Him. In essence, I am learning to love Him more every day.
"It is the sinner basking in the full light of God's holy, redeeming love, in the experience of that indwelling divine compassion of Christ, who cannot be but humble. Not to be occupied with your sin but to be fully occupied with God brings deliverance from self."
Andrew Murray in Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
Had everything gone in my life as I wanted it to, my life would be, without doubt, a mess. Instead, God has been guiding me through the highs and lows with His perfect plan for my life in mind. It is so much better to give everything to Him, and let Him guide me onwards. The Lord has such good things in store for all of us who wish to follow Him, and He pours outs His blessings on those who walk in His ways. He is always there, arms wide open, willing to guide us and love us through everything.
This verse from Proverbs 16 has been in my mind the past few days. If only I would remember to give Him everything, as He will surely be there with me. So far, I can say with an honest heart that God has given me all the good things in my life. He has lead me to those places and situations. So from now on, I'll do my best to commit everything to the Lord.
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